How to become a member of EACH
The European Association for Children in Hospital – EACH – is the umbrella organisation for member associations involved in the welfare and rights of all children before, during or after a stay in hospital or other healthcare services.
EACH is a network of people, knowledge and experience that facilitates communication and debate on all issues regarding the welfare and rights of children at times of illness.
EACH also organises conferences. The conferences are open to non-member associations and individuals, who share a common interest in the aims and goals of EACH.
Delegates from the member organisations of EACH meet at the time of these conferences, at committee meetings and in online sessions to discuss and resolve on steps to be taken to enhance the implementation of the EACH Charter all of Europe.
The Association is founded on the understanding that members have a community of interest, can benefit from sharing information, and will be more effective when acting cooperatively.
It recognises that it cannot direct or restrict member organisations’ independent efforts on behalf of children in hospital, other healthcare services and their families/carers, nor in any way limit the autonomy of member organisations. Click here to read our constitution (also see our website)
Read below about the different memberships & download here the guideline in pdf
The activities of the member organisations of EACH are adapted to the needs of each particular country and are basically oriented to:
- advise, inform and support families or carers of sick children / children with a condition;
- promote the welfare of sick children amongst doctors, nurses and other professionals;
- negotiate with governmental authorities to improve the care of children in healthcare services.
- Membership is open to national non-profit non-governmental organisations, who have accepted the EACH Charter, are actively working towards its implementation and meet the following requirements:
- promote the welfare of all sick children and with regard to all kinds of illnesses and/or disabilities;
- have existed for at least two years;
- have a written constitution specifically mentioning in its purpose clause the support of all sick children and their families/carers;
- aim towards active parent/carer participation in the organisation;
- send to EACH its annual accounts and annual reports, including its current activities on the EACH Charter;
- pay the annual membership fee to EACH (current annual fee: Euro 200.—).
The membership fee is starting with the following year – no membership fee for the year of admission.
Decisions on admittance of members shall be made by the Co-ordinating Committee and acknowledged by the General Assembly.
If you apply for full membership please provide: full name of organisation, full name of contact person, contact addresses, email addresses, a copy of your constitution and the reason why you want to become a full member.
Membership is exercised through the nomination of one representative for each nation to the Co-ordinating Committee. The members of the Co-ordinating Committee meet in regular intervals and organize the European Conferences and General Assemblies of EACH.

National organisations related to the cause of EACH, who might not pursue all points of our Charter and the requirements for membership, but whose activities complement the activities of EACH, may become non-voting associate members of EACH.
Organisations applying for associate membership have to meet the following requirements:
- have existed for at least two years;
- have a written constitution specifically mentioning in its purpose clause the support of sick children and their families/carers;
- aim towards active parent/carer participation in the organisation;
- pay the agreed annual associate membership fee to EACH (current annual fee: Euro 145.-).
Decisions on admittance of associate members shall be made by the Co-ordinating Committee and acknowledged by the General Assembly.
Associate members will be informed about the activities of EACH and will be invited to the European Conferences and General Assemblies of EACH with the right to speak.
Individual persons related to the cause of EACH may become non-voting members of EACH. They will be informed about the activities of EACH and will be invited to the European Conferences and General Assemblies of EACH with the right to speak. Individual members agree to pay the reduced annual membership fee of EACH (current annual fee: Euro 45.-).