The Association is founded on the understanding that members have a community of interest, can benefit from sharing information, and will be more effective when acting cooperatively.
It recognises that it cannot direct or restrict member organisationsʼ independent efforts on behalf of children in hospital and their families/carers, nor in any way limit the autonomy of member organisations.
- The domicile of EACH will be the address of the Coordinator currently in office.
- EACH is established to promote the implementation of the EUROPEAN CHARTER FOR CHILDREN IN HOSPITAL as it was agreed at the First European Conference Children in Hospital by the participating countries in Leiden in 1988 (hereinafter called the EACH Charter).
- In addition EACH shall advance collaboration between member organisations and provide a means for them to work together.
- Membership shall be open to national non-profit non-governmental organisations promoting the welfare of all children and with regard to all kinds of illnesses and/or disabilities before, during or after a stay in hospital, who have accepted the aforementioned EACH Charter and are actively working towards its implementation, such membership to be exercised through the nomination of one representative for each nation (nation as defined by the United Nations) to the Co- ordinating Committee.
- Each member organisation has to meet the following requirements:
- have existed for at least two years;
- have a written constitution specifically mentioning in its purpose clause the support of all sick children and their families/carers;
- aim towards active parent/carer participation in the organisation;
- send to EACH its annual accounts and annual reports, including its current activities on the EACH Charter;
- pay the agreed annual membership fee to EACH.
- EACH will inform, encourage and support in every possible way new initiatives promoting the welfare of children in hospital.
- Organisations or single persons related to the cause of EACH may be invited to the European Conference of EACH with the right to speak;
- Likewise national organisations or single persons related to the cause of EACH, who might not pursue all points of our Charter, but whose activities complement the activities of EACH, may become non-voting associate members of EACH. Non- voting associate members have to meet the requirements listed under 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, and 3.2.5 above. The annual membership fee for non-voting members will amount to two thirds of the regular membership fee. Non-voting associate members will receive the EACH Newsletter and will be invited to the European Conferences of EACH. They may also contribute articles to the EACH Newsletter.
- EACH may grant honorary non-voting membership to single persons or organisations who have continuously promoted the rights of sick children for many years by their activities in a member organisation of EACH or who have through their sponsorship and support helped enhance the aims and purposes of EACH. Honorary membership is granted without any obligations by the recipient.
- Decisions on admittance of non-voting members and honorary members shall be made by the Co-ordinating Committee and acknowledged by the General Meeting.
- Responsibility for carrying out the general policy of EACH as well as providing for the administration, management and control of the affairs and finances of EACH shall be undertaken by the Co-ordinating Committee (hereinafter called the Committee).
- The Committee shall consist of one representative for each nation, to be made known by the respective member organisations at the European Conference, with tenure of office to run from European Conference to European Conference.
- If for any reason the representative is not able to come to a Committee Meeting or to participate in decisions which need to be taken by mail the member organisation may appoint a proxy who will take all decisions or votes in place of the representative. The proxy will be notified by the member organisation in writing to the Co-ordinator, indicating the date or time frame within which the proxy will act. The decisions or votes taken by the proxy are as binding as those of the representative. It is the responsibility of the respective member organisation and the representative to ensure that the proxy is fully informed on all EACH matters and put in a position to form her/his own opinion and to take an active part in the decision-making.
- The Committee shall elect by a two-thirds majority from amongst its members a Co-ordinator, a Treasurer and a Secretary, to hold office for no more than 3 elective periods.
- All other decisions of the Committee shall be taken by a simple majority of votes of the members, excepting Amendments to the Constitution and Dissolution of the Association.
- The Committee may appoint from amongst its members special working groups for specific tasks.
- The Committee and the Co-ordinator shall be in current contact and shall inform one another of any actions planned or taken or any other new developments.
- The Committee through the Co-ordinator shall submit to the European Conference a report on its activities.
- The Committee will decide on the annual membership fee to be paid by each member organisation to EACH.
- EACH shall convene a conference every two years to be known as the European Conference to bring together its member organisations.
- The business of the Conference shall be:
- to act as the General Meeting of the Association and in that capacity
- to receive the report and accounts from the Committee;
- to exchange thoughts, experiences and results concerning the welfare of sick children;
- to put forward issues for consideration by EACH in the following two years.
- Individuals and non-member organisations may attend by invitation.
- In the event that no conference can be organised, the Committee will make other arrangements to progress the affairs of the Association.
- The running cost of EACH will be met by a contribution from each member organisation to be determined by the Committee as provided for in art. 4.8 above.
- The expenses of the Co-ordinator in undertaking duties connected with EACH shall be subject to the prior approval of the Committee, other than the day-to-day petty cash and travelling expenses.
- Expenses incurred by national representatives in carrying out their duties in the Committee are to be borne by the respective national organisations.
- The Committee shall authorise the Treasurer and Co-ordinator to sign cheques on behalf of EACH. The Committee shall determine when more than one signature is required.
- Audited annual accounts shall be submitted to EACH at its biennial meeting.
- Failure to comply with the membership requirements will result in termination of membership.
- Cancellation of a membership may only be effected at a European Conference.
- Amendments to the Constitution may be made by a two-thirds majority of its national representatives.
- EACH may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of its national representatives.
- Funds still available to EACH shall be passed on to UNICEF.
The initial Constitution of EACH was adoped at the foundersʼ meeting of EACH in Graz in October 1993. A revised Constitution was adopted at the Meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee in La-Ferté-Milon, Hameau de Mosley, on October 23, 1994 and ratified by all member organisations at the occasion of the 4th European Conference on March 22, 1995 in Chantilly/Paris. Further amendments to the Constitution were adopted at the Meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee held on October 12, 1996 in London and were ratified by the General Assembly held at the occasion of the 5th European EACH Conference on April 20,1997 in Basel.
Paragraph 4.2.1 of the present Constitution was adopted by the Co-ordinating Committee at its meeting in Brussels on November 28, 2002. Furthermore, the expression “Leiden Charter” was replaced by the now commonly used expression “EACH Charter”.
November 28, 2002
The Co-ordinator: Giuliana Filippazzi