Categorie: Articles

Avoiding Restraint

Avoiding restraint

A common practice The practice of restraining children, i.e. forced immobilization, during clinical procedures is still common in many countries. In many situations lack of experience or knowledge of other… Lees meer »

Quality of Paediatric Hospital Care

Quality of Paediatric Hospital Care

Context Inge Schalkers addressess in her thesis Quality of Paediatric Hospital Care. Understanding the Perspectives of Children and Families (2016) the complex challenge of closing the considerable gap between the national legal… Lees meer »

Family Centred Care

Family Centered Care

Warm welcome in Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital in Rome Through the constant analysis of the needs of families, Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital in Rome has emphasized the importance of building… Lees meer »

Medical aid for the children of refugees

Medical aid children refugees

Since january, the Dutch association for paediatric medicine has had a notification centre where paediatricians can report problems they encounter when caring for the children of refugees. Children get lost… Lees meer »

Generation coronavirus?

Generation Coronavirus_Lancet_june2020

The catastrophic elements that have perpetuated the COVID-19 pandemic—global interconnectedness, climate change due to human activity, vast economic inequality, and deep veins of antiscience—have resulted in more than 9 million… Lees meer »