Children are not small adults

Since 1985, Children’s Health Scotland (CHS, formerly Action for Sick Children Scotland) has carried out periodic surveys of Scottish NHS hospitals admitting children. Its eighth survey, in 2018 – 2019 assesses… Lees meer »
Financial Stress Children in Hospital Ireland first carried out research into the non-medical costs of having a child in hospital in 2004. In 2019, we decided to carry this out again… Lees meer »
In Actual implementation of sick children’s rights in Italian pediatric units: a descriptive study based on nurses’ perceptions (Bisogni et al. BMC Medical Ethics (2015) 16:33) relevant and interesting research is reported… Lees meer »
When sick children need their parents at home or in hospital how are they supported by governments or employers? European Survey related to EACH Charter articles: Art. 1: Children shall… Lees meer »
EACH Submission on art. 24 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) Brief Whether the child’s right to health as stipulated in article 24 of the CRC… Lees meer »